serpstatr 0.3.0 (2024-08-16)
Add search analytics API functions:
- sst_sa_domain_history() - domain historical metrics
- sst_sa_domain_top_pages() - domain top pages
- sst_sa_domain_organic_competitors() - domain organic competitors
Add audit API functions:
- sst_au_start() - start website audit
- sst_au_get_summary() - get website audit summary
Add project management API functions:
- sst_pm_create_project() - create a new project
- sst_pm_delete_project() - delete an existing project
- sst_pm_list_projects() - list all projects available for the user
Made minor documentation changes.
serpstatr 0.2.1 (2023-09-09)
Change dependencies versions and fixed package documentation for complience
with roxygen2 breaking changes.
serpstatr 0.2.0 (2022-07-20)
Add backlinks API functions:
- sst_bl_domain_summary() - backlinks summary stats for the domain
- sst_bl_referring_domains() - referring domains stats for the domain
Set default values for dates, keywords, and URLs in rank tracker functions.
serpstatr 0.1.0 (2021-01-10)
Add rank tracker API functions:
- sst_rt_project_regions() - all regions for a project
- sst_rt_serp_history() - search results history in search region by keyword
- sst_rt_positions_history() - ranking history for the domain or URL in
selected search region
- sst_rt_competitors() - data on competitors in search results
serpstatr 0.0.2 (2020-05-15)
- Remove all tests dependent on external API.
- Move API error handling from tests to main utility function sst_call_api_method.
serpstatr 0.0.1 (2020-01-13)
Add new functions.
Search analytics:
- sst_sa_domains_info() - domain summary stats
- sst_sa_domain_keywords() - domain keywords with stats
- sst_sa_keywords_info() - keywords summary stats
- sst_sa_keywords() - search Serpstat database for keywords with
- sst_sa_keyword_top() - get list of URLs from SERP for a keyword
Utility functions:
- sst_lists_to_df() - convert list of lists to data.frame